I'm not sure why I love it. Maybe it is because it is written as an exchange of letters - and letter writing is something I still do on a regular basis - one friend of mine gets a letter a week - if not more regularly. It is also about books, and the love of books, reading them again ana again, the feel of books, the look of books, the discovery of books. It is about one book leading you easily to another, and getting an education through books. It is also about relationships - because although the two main characters never meet they develop a friendship that is beyond the mere commercial exchange which is the origin of this long distance correspondence - Helen in New York, and Frank in London.
And yet it is also tragic, because they never meet, never see each other, and how far do they really know each other beyond their shared love of old and well worn volumes. But maybe this is love of a different if not better kind - a melding of minds, and intellects. Maybe as pretentious as these thoughts are I love this book - it is short, and I have been known to read it in one day - I've just read 56 pages in one sitting!
My rating? 10/10
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