Thursday, 11 January 2007

Michael Carson - Yanking Up the Yo Yo

OK so this picture is of an earlier book in the Martin Benson series - but I couldn't find 'Yanking Up the Yo Yo'.
I love this series tracing the development of Martin Benson in a pre-AIDS world. In fact for most of this trilogy homosexuality is illegal in Britain. I love this series. It is humorous, but serious as it describes Martin's innocent launchings in a gay world. He is always looking for that special man, and makes so many mistakes. He is alternately guilt-ridden and completely immoral. Despite being a lapsed catholic he is also overwhelmed by puritanical thoughts. In reality these three books very accurately describe most journeys of young men who think they might be gay - loneliness, embarrassment, fear, loathing and a gradual realisation that it is not them that is wrong - but the world! I was so pleased to re-discover this book in my local library and would recommend it highly. My rating : 9/10

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